This book contains many poems about many different topics, specifically the seasons. The poems are very short, but tell a fun story along with the illustrations. The poems are written in a more "traditional" type, with rhyming words and such. I think this could be a great introduction to poetry for younger students or could be used as a read a loud. Also in the the back there is a note from the author and she endorses "Poem in your Pocket Day." She has received feedback from teachers from the earlier book called, "Pocket Poems." The teachers really felt that these books were great for introducing poetry through "A Poem in your Pocket Day." I did a little research about that event a found a cool website from the NYC government and how they are celebrating poetry all throughout the month of April and encourage everyone to carry a poem in their pocket and pull it out and read it whenever possible. I thought this was such a cool idea to incorporate into a community or a classroom. I think so many things can be learned from poetry and it can be a valuable tool and outlet for many students. The website is: http://www.nyc.gov/html/poem/html/home/home.shtml
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