The Princess Knight by Cornelia Funke and illustrations by Kerstin Meyer
This book has a unique twist on the classic fairytale story. In the beginning you learn that the king has three sons and he raises them to be great knights in battle. Then the king learns that his wife, the queen, is going to be having a daughter. Tragically, the queen dies during childbirth and it is up to the king to raise his daughter. He was unsure of how to raise a little girl, so he decides to raise her like his sons. He teaches her use a sword, mount a horse, and practice jousting with her brothers. But his daughter, Violetta, felt defeated everytime she tried to do the same things her brothers did. Her brothers also taunted and laughed at her when she attempted to act like a knight. One night, when one of her nursemaids was tending to her bruises from jousting, Violetta made her mind up that she was going to be one of the greatest jousters in the castle area. She was determined to prove her brothers and to herself that she was just as capable as being a great night than being the traditional princess. So at night, when everyone else was sleeping and resting, Violetta sneaks out to practice her sword handling techniques, trained her horse with stealth, practiced everything her brothers could already do in battle. When a great jousting tournament comes to the castle area, Violetta wants in! But the king, her father, objects greatly and sentences her to her room for the night. But she is more determined than ever to compete! Violetta cleverly disguises herself for a great knight and eventually wins the tournament! She proves herself to her family that she can no longer be pushed around and made fun of because she is a girl in a mostly boy's context. I liked this story because of Violetta's determination in succeeding, although I'm not completely sold on the concept of her disguising herself so she wins the tournament. I also thought the ending was a little abrupt too. It ends with her running away for awhile and then eventually getting married and living happily ever after. But overall an enjoyable read!